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Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Services


    This consists of us doing what we do best -- organizing your website's content (or creating your website's content if you're new to this) in a way consistent with that of current known website optimization techniques that will cause your site to rank well.  This campaign takes shape in 3 phases.


Research Phase: Keyword Research, Determining Your Site's Strengths and Weaknesses, Website Competition Research, Website Competition Discovery, Website Competitor Keyword Density Research.  This is the most important part of the search engine marketing campaign, as it helps us to determine the website optimization strategy we will use in helping your site to rank well.  This takes place immediately after our design team has put together your website design, or if you already have a website, it takes place immediately.  If you don't have a site, then it usually starts by our Design Team creating a site for you.  If you don't have a website or domain name, we recommend you first buy a domain name.


Website Optimization Phase (Actual Search Engine Optimization takes place): This consists of modifying your site's meta tags, to reflect proper optimization.  Most meta tags are ignored by major search engines, but we optimize these tags anyway, since smaller engines still use them.  We also optimize existing website copy or create the copy on your website from scratch in order to reflect proper keyword density, and also keep it attractive enough that your visitors will want to link to it without solicitation.  This can be done with dynamic pages, or static pages.  Further, we also modify your title tag, install many software scripts to help with your website optimization, and finally install our tracking software.  The key to ANY successful search engine optimization campaign is effective tracking.  This is the only way to determine what is working and what isn't, in regards to your campaign.  Any search engine marketing firm who tells you that our efforts and your efforts do not need to be tracked isn't advising you properly.  We also obtain one-way-links and reciprocal links if merited, to your website with proper anchor text, that will make the search engines spiders index your site.  We can also conduct a Pay-Per-Click campaign to supplement your search engine marketing campaign.  We won't go into too much detail here, lest we give away our secrets to our competition, and yours!  Nonetheless, we do go into explicit details when we send you a website optimization proposal, so that you understand exactly what we will do, how we will perform, and what you can expect from your search engine marketing campaign.  In retrospect, this is the most involved process of your entire search engine optimization campaign, and takes the most amount of time, and work on our part.  However, when this phase is done accurately, you can reasonably expect to see an increase in traffic to your website relatively quickly -- usually within 2-4 weeks.  This is also dependent on how long it takes for the search engines to index your website.  Usually this happens within one to two weeks, or within a few days.  We do not submit your site to search engines, as it is a waste of time.  Any firm or company that charges you to submit your site to search engines is knowingly providing an un-necessary service, and is pretty much stealing your money.  Our site ranks very well, and we have NEVER submitted our site to ANY SE.  The same is true for all of our clients.


Maintenance Phase (Keeping Up With Your Search Engine Marketing Campaign):  This phase consists of us maintaining your rankings.  We will on a bi-monthly basis, sometimes more, perform further website optimization techniques on your website in order to make sure it stays consistent with changes in search engine algorithm changes.  Most importantly, we continue your inbound link campaign so that your site, continually has new links, and updated content, so that it doesn't become affected overall by search engine algorithm changes.  This phase is as important as the previous phases, and carries out with an established monthly retainer.  While some SEO firms say that you can perform this phase yourself, and they are correct, you first have to weigh whether or not you have the expertise to do this phase yourself, and more importantly, the time to conduct this phase on your own.  If you don't, then it is recommended you retain us to do it for you.  Our retainer fees are very reasonable, and we do not contractually obligate our clients to any period of time on our retainer, as most SEO firms do.  Our proposal will explain more.


If you're ready to rock, then get started with search engine marketing!

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